Consolidation System advantages:
- Creating a separate chart of accounts for the holding company and linking it to the chart of accounts of each subsidiary company, which means that there is no need to standardize the chart of accounts for all companies.
- The possibility of linking the holding company and its subsidiary companies at the level of accounting entries and not only at the level of balances.
- The possibility of linking at the level of the full value of the accounts or at the level of determined percentage according to the ownership percentage of the subsidiary company by the holding company.
- The possibility of generating a consolidated balance sheet for the holding company and a separate balance sheet for each subsidiary company.
- The possibility of generating a consolidated trial balance for the holding company and one at the level of each subsidiary company.
- The possibility of generating analytical reports at the level of accounts for each company.
- The possibility of analyzing at the level of cost centers for each company.
- Many other advantages.