Electronic Alerting System advantages:
- Sending alert messages to e-mail or mobile.
- Flexible setup to the events required to send an alert when they occur such as reaching an item at the re-order point.
- The possibility of using equations to create an event in which alert messages are sent when it occurs, such as if the event is the customer's payment date minus three days.
- The ability to collect event results and send them once a day or a week.
- The possibility of benefiting from the data recorded in the system in sending an alert message such as customer data in the event of a desire to send an alert to customers, or employee data in the event that the alert is sent to an employee, and so on.
- The ability to send text messages for marketing purposes directed to the mobile phone and e-mails, and to divide the targeted receivers by sending them into groups to facilitate sending any message to a group of e-mails and mobile numbers at once.
- The possibility of sending alert messages to the e-mail or mobile numbers registered in the database of customers, suppliers, or employees, in addition to the lists of groups prepared for that.
Examples of the use of an Electronic Alerting System:
- Alerts before the expiry dates of employees' documents (license - passport - health certificate ... etc.).
- Alerts of late delivery of customers' orders.
- Alerts of payment due dates of sales invoices.
- Alerts of the near expiration dates of products.
- Alerts of requests are required to be approved by the manager.
- Alerts of approval/rejection of quality for certain items.
- Alerts of items' re-order points.
- Alerts of customers who are late for payment for a period to be specified.
- Any other events that the system administrator wants to send an alert when they occur, can be done using the user-defined events screen.